But, since my expertise wasn’t in the field of os and GUI development I can’t figure it out how to develop such thing and Currently i m working on different field in python. Like making a dedicated GUI or os for it so that i can make inbuilt essential apps like uber api for calling taxi and music and all with a touch screen. I have been planning since a long time that how i can make my smart mirror more interractive with a user. Hello sir, i m also currently working on smart mirror project. bug(' No motion, CEC -> Turning off display') bug(' Motion detected, CEC -> Turning on display')

Job = scheduler.add_job(monitor_checkstatus, 'interval', minutes=20) tup(PWR_PIN, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH) bug(' Launching powermanager.py in DEBUG mode') Parser.add_argument("-v", "-verbose", help="increase output verbosity", Parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='A Power managment daemon for issuing CEC commands' ) Ret = process_cec.communicate().splitlines() Process_cec = subprocess.Popen(, stdin=process_echo.stdout, Process_echo = subprocess.Popen(, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) bug(' CEC -> check current status of display') Import os, sys, subprocess, time, argparse, logging, datetimeįrom import BackgroundScheduler
#Working with magic mirror modules tv#

Reading though various posts, others said they ended up with a fun house effect when using one-way film on acrylic. Glass was the most expensive part of my build ($200.00 CDN). The sales pitch was made to my wife about how it would improve our family life and production started. My goal was to make a decorative family dashboard which would sync calendars, shopping lists, weather, and possibly AlexaPi (more on that later). In ideal lighting conditions, everything on the screen that is black presents as a mirror while white (or other high-contrast colors) shine through. I will also be focusing on constructing the frame so please check out the video link below.įor those who are not familiar with the project, we are basically placing a monitor behind a one-way mirror (semi-transparent mirror). This guide is meant to give people ideas and resources on how to source and build their own MagicMirror.

Please check out the MagicMirror site as well. Michael Teeuw has done an outstanding job of building a nice extendable framework for us to join in on the fun. Who couldn’t use a MagicMirror? I saw this project and immediately wanted to toss our dry-erase calendar in the garbage.